Mon.Feb 20, 2012

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Leading Can be Simple

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Coaching Leadership Development The following post is adapted from a post on the Random Acts of Leadership Blog in December, 2008. It’s time to demystify leadership. Opportunities abound for leading in any given moment. Yet all too often we don’t even see the opportunities let alone take them. Perhaps we have set our sights on the grand gestures [.].

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5 Leadership Lessons: Where Negative Emotions Come From

Leading Blog

Brian Tracy and Christina Stein have written a book— Kiss That Frog —to help you root out the causes of the negative thoughts that are influencing your attitudes and behaviors more than you realize. It’s a critical issue for leaders. “All emotions, especially negative emotions, distort evaluations. A person in the grip of a negative emotion is incapable of thinking clearly or rationally.


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Choices That Matter

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Coaching Leadership Development Resources Self Leadership Every day is filled with choices. Some choices are simple in the moment. To Wear The Red Shoe or The Cute Boot? To Eat Vegetables or Chocolate? To Shop or to Save? To Sit or to Dance? To Work or to Play? Some choices require a little more risk. To Laugh or Cry? To [.].

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Can’t Find a Job? Create a Career Map.

Women on Business

Guest Post by Ginny Clarke (learn more about the author at the end of the post). You’ve put a lot of effort into a résumé, an elevator pitch, company research and traditional networking, but you’re still coming up short in your job search or career progression. You’re understandably disappointed, but here’s the good news: it probably isn’t the tools you’ve created, but the lack of a detailed job search plan or map that is inhibiting your success.

Career 230
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How to Increase Diversity in Your Workforce Through AI Technology

Diversity and inclusion are crucial for building a strong and innovative workforce. Discover how AI technology can revolutionize your hiring process and drive diversity in your organization. Explore over 10 ways AI recruiting tools can help you identify a wider pool of candidates, enhance communication strategies, and eliminate unconscious bias. Embrace the future of recruitment and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace with AI technology.

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12 Tips To Write Well From David Oglivy.

Rich Gee Group

Just one of these rules are priceless.

Tips 339
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Improve Team Toughness With No-Win Situations

Great Results Team Building

Team toughness is something every coach wants to improve. Surprisingly, one of the most significant coaching and leadership lessons I have ever learned about building team toughness was inspired by something I saw on Star Trek. Seeing the “Kobayashi Maru” training exercise is where I first recognized the value of using no-win situations to test and improve team toughness.

Team 198

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Exalting Leaders

Leadership Freak

Encourage and exalt leaders don’t pull them down. But you may say, “Won’t arrogance destroy them.” Destruction: Leaders hungry for power are dangerous. Arrogant leaders stop listening, grow autocratic, and become self-protective narcissists. Like boxers in the ring, protect yourself at all times. Never trust them. They’ll slice you down and sacrifice stakeholder value for personal [.].

Power 192
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The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves

Kevin Eikenberry

This week’s Resource Recommendation is The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves by Matt Ridley. Read the newspapers and magazines of the past and you would read of experts touting large scale famine and unconquerable problems of all sorts. Read your favorite news source or watch the TV news today and you will find the same [.].

Magazine 187
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CEO Blog

I thought everyone would like to see my grandson Josh lifting weights in the pool. Why not do 2 things at once? Can't see the writing on it but it looks like about 10 Kg. He must have superpowers. Speaking of superpowers: I am a big believer in self knowledge - know yourself for success so I was attracted by the book title Bring Your Superpowers to Work - your Guide to More Clarity, Confidence & Control by Darcy Eikenberg.

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Exalting Leaders

Leadership Freak

Encourage and exalt leaders don’t pull them down. But you may say, “Won’t arrogance destroy them.” Destruction: Leaders hungry for power are dangerous. Arrogant leaders stop listening, grow autocratic, and become self-protective narcissists. Like boxers in the ring, protect yourself at all times. Never trust them. They’ll slice you down and sacrifice stakeholder value for personal [.].

Power 133
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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How Good Leaders Become Bad Bosses


In his work on the perils of success , John O’Neil (1993) provides leaders with a handy way to follow their own progress on the path to burnout and entropy. He compares this path to an S-curve, where entropy begins near the top. As we move toward the top, we start to change the way we behave. Our days seem mindless, we experience more anxiety and our less likely to be growing and learning.

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Putting Quality on the Line

Marshall Goldsmith

I have a unique compensation system in my job as executive coach: I only get paid if my clients get better. "Better" means my clients achieve positive, measurable change in behavior, not as judged by themselves but by their key stakeholders. My coaching process usually takes about 18 months and involves an average of 16 stakeholders. I have been asked many times where I came up with this "pay only for results" idea.

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The Quality Most Valued in Leaders? Strategy Execution

Six Disciplines

In the Best Companies for Leaders survey , management consultancy Hay Group identified the top 20 best-in-class companies as well as what makes these companies known for great leadership. Key findings of the Hay Group's research: When asked what organizations value the most in leaders, 83 percent of the best-in-class organizations as compared to others said “ execution.

Execution 125
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How Good Leaders Become Bad Bosses


'In his work on the perils of success , John O’Neil (1993) provides leaders with a handy way to follow their own progress on the path to burnout and entropy. He compares this path to an S-curve, where entropy begins near the top. As we move toward the top, we start to change the way we behave. Our days seem mindless, we experience more anxiety and our less likely to be growing and learning.

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Interview Scorecard Free Downloadable Template

Making effective hiring decisions can be challenging, but with a standardized evaluation process, you can improve your chances of finding the ideal candidate every time. Discover the benefits of using interview scorecards to assess and compare candidates, ensuring fair and consistent evaluations. Our free interview scorecard template allows you to customize criteria and track candidate progress, helping you make informed hiring decisions.

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Barbara Corcoran’s Recipe for Getting Out of a Funk

Your Voice of Encouragement

Barbara Corcoran, star of Shark Tank No matter how much you believe in yourself and the value you bring to your work, you’re going to have moments when you temporarily lose your spark. You’re human, after all, and it’s impossible to sustain consistently high levels of enthusiasm 24/7. So when you do find yourself in a bad place, how do you get out of it?

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Keeping Newspapers from Going the Route of the Milkman

First Friday Book Synopsis

Today, I picked my newspaper up off the lawn and brought it in to my house to read with my coffee. I didn’t have to take my daughter to school because of President’s Day, so I came back inside my house. From all indications, this ritual is on the road to extinction. Many reports predict that all newspapers will [.].

Report 89
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Impact Bias


In a TED talk, Dan Gilbert asks the audience if they would be happier winning the lottery or becoming paraplegic. If you’re like most, you’d answer lottery winner. And you’d be right…for a while. It turns out that a year after winning the lottery or becoming paraplegic, people are equally happy. We synthesize happiness, so awful events don’t have the horrific, long-term impact that we imagine.

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Social Media is Just That – Social

First Friday Book Synopsis

I am not surprised at all to see the statistics published on February 20, 2012 by the Pew Research Center that reveal very few Americans receive political news from social networks. Where do we get our information about politicians, campaigns, platforms, etc? It’s not from social media. Here is the breakdown, when Americans were asked to identify [.].

Media 85
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Caption Contest 2012.2 and a Winner Announced!!!

Chris Brady

Congratulations to the winner of Caption Contest 2011.12! It was a tough, tough contest with many great submissions, but finally: Just done it! Posted by: Joe Telle sr | January 10, 2012 at 04:55 PM. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

Content 85
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Alford Book is Revealing and Not Salacious

First Friday Book Synopsis

Over the last few weeks, you have undoubtedly heard the publicity surrounding the newsest revealed mistress during the presidency of John F. Kennedy. Her name is Mimi Alford, and over the past three weeks, she has appeared on practically every news and talk program that you can access. I read her book this weekend. It [.].

Books 85
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Don’t Destroy Your Community’s History (and Traffic) by Deleting Old Contributions

Managing Communities

photo credit: KJGarbutt Some community managers ponder deleting old, long inactive contributions, due to a lack of technical resources or a belief that those contributions somehow take away from what they are currently trying to accomplish. This is something that smaller operations are more prone to do because they may be hitting the limits of [.].

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Customer Disloyalty and Business as We Shift Toward Subjectivity

First Friday Book Synopsis

I had three different people recommend a book to me last week. The book, Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose by Rajendra S. Sisodia, David B. Wolfe, and Jagdish N. Sheth is about a lot of things, especially the power of passion and purpose in business. But it is also [.].

Sheth 85
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3 Steps to Successful & Strategic Year-End HR Planning

Year-end can be a hectic time for HR professionals, but with proper planning and organization, you can navigate it smoothly. Learn the main watch outs for year-end HR prep with Paycor’s helpful checklist covering employee data, wage and tax information, and special situations. Ensure compliance and efficiency by downloading today!

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5 Aspects of the Heart of a Leader

Ron Edmondson

Let’s consider the heart of a leader. Someone asked me recently what I primarily look for in the hiring of a staff position. I said, without reservation, first and foremost, I look for a heart. I want a hear that honors Christ more than self, that desires to grow and learn, and that is willing to sacrifice personal privilege for benevolent purpose of others.

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Serial Innovators: A book review by Bob Morris

First Friday Book Synopsis

Serial Innovators: Firms That Change the World Claudio Feser John Wiley & Sons (2012) How and why continuous innovation and adaptation can help an organization “live” longer What we have here is a “hybrid” narrative that develops on two separate but interdependent levels: a fictional account that focuses on Carl Berger (CEO of American Health [.].

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Leadership Caffeine-What Do You Do with a Team that has Failed?

Management Excellence

We’re often too quick as leaders to throw in the towel on teams that have whiffed. That’s a mistake that may be more costly to performance and morale than the initial and temporary failure.

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Key Value Drivers: Do’s & Don’ts

First Friday Book Synopsis

A key value driver (KVD) is any variable that drives value for shareholders. But few firms can identify their KVDs and thus use them for forecasting and improvement. Identifying your KVDs requires a deep understanding of your business and much trial and error. Often, value drivers are combinations of variables. Alfred Rappaport, the founding father [.].

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ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach

Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

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'Cult of the Leader' sparks debate on The Guardian web pages

Chartered Management Institute

CMI Management Book of the Year prize winner Christopher Bones' commentary on the L'Oreal Generation' really seems to have stirred up a big debate on The Guardian ‘Comment is Free’ pages. To follow the state of play go to: [link]. Related Content: Opportunity to meet entrepreneur Celia Gates and prizewinning marketing gurus Shaun Smith and Andy Milligan What have the Archbishop of Canterbury, a boy who makes jam and the author of a book about getting more out of the public sector got in common?

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21 Ways to Kill Your Creativity

First Friday Book Synopsis

Here is an excerpt from an article written by Michael Michalko, author of business classics that include Cracking Creativity: The Secrets of Creative Genius (2001), Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques, 2nd Edition (2006), and Creative Thinkering: Putting Your Imagination to Work (2011). Here are [seven of] 21 suggestions, recommendations and habits to help you [.].

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Review of “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor

The Practical Leader

Up until the late nineties psychology was overly focused on the “sickness model” and treating mental illness. In The Happiness Advantage Shawn points out, “ as late as 1998, there was a 17-to-1 negative-to-positive ratio of research in the field of psychology. In other words, for every one study about happiness and thriving there were 17 studies on depression and disorder.” The shift from sickness to wellness in the past 10 years has been dramatic.

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Opportunity to meet entrepreneur Celia Gates and prizewinning marketing gurus Shaun Smith and Andy Milligan

Chartered Management Institute

Following the success of the CMI Management Book of the Year competition, we are pleased to announce that CMI and The British Library have teamed up to deliver the Management Book of the Year Road Show. Date: Tuesday 6th March 2012. Venue: British Library Conference Centre, London. Time: 17.30. Celia Gates - author of From Brainwave to Business. Celia is the founder of Doctor Cook Ltd., and distributes her award winning cookware range in over 15 countries.

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How to Issue a Disciplinary Action Notice

Learn how to issue a disciplinary action notice to address misconduct effectively. This document outlines the consequences of unacceptable behavior and ensures a fair process for all. Discover the importance of documenting disciplinary actions for compliance and improving company culture!