Wed.Aug 21, 2024

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Ethical Leadership: Adaptability is Essential

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton Ego-driven leaders want to be “right” even when the evidence shows otherwise. They see rightness as something fixed that they can control. Of course, it isn’t fixed and they can’t control it, but they may not want to be confused with the facts. Conversely, when ego is not driving the thinking process, leaders can adapt to changing information and circumstances and change their minds.

Ethics 265
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Do 3 things to Rise Above Self-Deception

Leadership Freak

Self-deception means feeling wrong when you’re right and feeling justified when you’re wrong. Self-deception is self-betrayal. Do three things to rise above a pervasive limiter of leaders. The most powerful words you say are the ones you say to yourself.

Power 228

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Why the Most Successful Leaders Don’t Care About Being Liked

Lead from Within

As an executive leadership coach, I routinely challenge the notion that effective leadership means being liked. In guiding numerous organizations, I’ve discovered that the most successful leaders know their true impact extends well beyond mere popularity. Here’s why leaders disregard the need to be liked: Approval Can Cloud Judgment: Leaders fixated on likability may avoid necessary risks.

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Do You Have The Mindset To Manage Your Career Like A Portfolio?

Tanveer Naseer

Just like the diversification mentality you use with your financial portfolio; we encourage you to use your talents to diversify your sources of income in multiple, simultaneous career acts. As with an investment portfolio, bad things can happen when you place all your money in one stock. (Are you old.

Career 140
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How to Increase Diversity in Your Workforce Through AI Technology

Diversity and inclusion are crucial for building a strong and innovative workforce. Discover how AI technology can revolutionize your hiring process and drive diversity in your organization. Explore over 10 ways AI recruiting tools can help you identify a wider pool of candidates, enhance communication strategies, and eliminate unconscious bias. Embrace the future of recruitment and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace with AI technology.

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How to Advance Your Career in Hospitality Management

Strategy Driven

Advancing your career in hospitality management is about more than just moving up the ranks—it’s about continuously growing and adapting in a dynamic industry. Whether you’re in Tennessee or anywhere else, success in this field requires a blend of experience, education, and smart career moves. In this post, we’ll explore actionable steps to help you progress in your career, from earning key certifications to building strong industry connections.

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Active improvements: why exercising at work matters

Chartered Management Institute

Article: Active improvements: why exercising at work matters Written by Andrea Downey Share Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to LinkedIn Share via email Physical activity doesn’t just boost wellbeing. It can lead to greater loyalty, output and innovation too. From walking meetings to hip hop dance classes, two Chartered Managers share their tips for getting teams moving – even when they’re working at home It’s no secret that physical activity brings a host of benefits.

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The Seven Attributes Of Meaningful Work

Eric Jacobson

There are so many good things to learn in the book, Helping People Win At Work , by Ken Blanchard and Garry Ridge. Among those is the section about how to define meaningful work. Their definition consists of these seven attributes. Work is meaningful when it : It is conducted in a manner that is "good and proper" in all respects. It positively affects our company and our communities, giving our work an impact that extends beyond ourselves.

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The Role of Time Tracking in Resolving Engineering Workflow Inefficiencies

Strategy Driven

In the fast-paced world of engineering, time is a precious resource. Each clock tick represents a potential step forward in innovation, a chance to solve complex problems, or a moment to refine intricate designs. However, inefficiencies in engineering workflows can act as roadblocks. Often, they slow down progress and hinder productivity. This is where the often-underestimated practice of time tracking steps in, offering valuable insights to identify and resolve these inefficiencies.

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Cultural Distance Plays A Key Role In Migration Decisions

The Horizons Tracker

When people move to a new place, they consider lots of things: Do they speak the language there? Do they have family or friends already living there? Do their values match those of the new country? How far away is it from where they’re from? In 2022, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research came up with a new way to measure how similar one country’s culture is to another’s, using data from Facebook.

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4 Zones Your Office Needs

Strategy Driven

When you’re trying to design a workspace that can motivate your employees to conduct their best work, you want to make sure that they have everything that they need. This might lead to you ticking off all of the criteria needed to their jobs effectively, but what about space for their comfort? What about areas that aren’t needed all the time? How do you design the negative space?

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Our Motivation At Work Might Rise If We Treat It Like A Game

The Horizons Tracker

Researchers from West Virginia University have conducted a study showcasing that people perform better at monotonous assembly tasks when they’re turned into games. Their research focused on “gamifying” manufacturing tasks to enhance workers’ well-being and productivity. The results suggest that workers on assembly lines can be more productive, engaged, and motivated when repetitive tasks, like assembling parts, are turned into games with incentives such as competition or

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Travel Insurance: Your Essential Guide to a Safe Journey

Strategy Driven

Planning a vacation is exciting and filled with dreams of exploration and relaxation. Yet, amidst all the anticipation, it’s crucial to consider the unexpected hurdles that might arise during your journey. Travel insurance is your safeguard, providing essential coverage for unforeseen incidents that could otherwise derail your plans. From medical emergencies to trip cancellations, travel insurance ensures you’re prepared for whatever challenges come your way.

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When Passion At Work Isn’t A Good Thing

The Horizons Tracker

How much do you enjoy your job? Some folks show up each day because they deeply believe in what their company stands for. Others are there mainly for the paycheck or the prestige that comes with their position. Both types can get a lot done. However, according to a recent study from CU Denver, those who are in it for the love of the job can sometimes rub their colleagues the wrong way, especially those who are motivated by external rewards.

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Top Features to Look for in a Customer Service Solution for HVAC Business

Strategy Driven

In the competitive HVAC industry, delivering exceptional customer service is crucial for success. With the growing demand for efficient communication and rapid response times, HVAC businesses need a reliable customer service solution that meets their unique needs. Whether it’s managing service requests, scheduling appointments, or tracking customer interactions, the right features in a customer service platform can significantly enhance your operations and boost customer satisfaction.

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Interview Scorecard Free Downloadable Template

Making effective hiring decisions can be challenging, but with a standardized evaluation process, you can improve your chances of finding the ideal candidate every time. Discover the benefits of using interview scorecards to assess and compare candidates, ensuring fair and consistent evaluations. Our free interview scorecard template allows you to customize criteria and track candidate progress, helping you make informed hiring decisions.

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Being Greater Than the Sum of Your Smarts Requires Guidance

CEO Insider

A great deal of emphasis is placed on training Peer Advisory Group Chairs and Forum Leaders – as it should be. These amazing individuals bear a tremendous responsibility as coaches and confidants to CEOs and their key executives worldwide. They work to make their groups “greater than the sum of their smarts” (Sekou Andrews) and […] The post Being Greater Than the Sum of Your Smarts Requires Guidance appeared first on CEOWORLD magazine.

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Can (and should) we automate managers?

Chartered Management Institute

Article: Can (and should) we automate managers? Written by Ian MacRae Share Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to LinkedIn Share via email Decentralised autonomous organisations enable the automation of many functions and lead to flat hierarchies. But they still rely on human judgement, communication and collaboration – all skills that good managers bring to the table The UK Law Commission recently released a comprehensive report on decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs), a way of o

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The Value of Visibility

CEO Insider

During my work with CEO Forums, visibility has found its way to the forefront of many recent conversations about how group members can maximize the value of their experience together. When I ask the CEOs to talk about how they want to benefit from the group over the next 12 months personally, the typical responses, […] The post The Value of Visibility appeared first on CEOWORLD magazine.

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Yeah, right. Overcoming Organizational Cynicism and Mistrust

The Practical Leader

As I reset and rebalance with summer R & R (relaxation and rejuvenation), I am giving you some blog R & R (reusing and recycling). Many of this summer’s blogs are past favorites. May you use them for your own R & R (review and refocus). Hope these R helpful! P.S. – What’s a pirate’s favorite letter? That’s right; rrrrr… We’ve got a big leadership “opportunity.” Cynicism and trust are falling.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Fill your boots: How to succeed at succession

Chartered Management Institute

Advice: Fill your boots: How to succeed at succession Written by Dave Waller Share Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to LinkedIn Share via email When it's time to leave your post, you can create a smooth transition by finding and preparing your replacement well ahead of time. Here, Chartered Managers share their top succession planning strategies to help you slip from your role without a squeak One day you’ll be leaving that post you worked so hard to get.

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Can AI Deliver Fully Automated Factories?

Harvard Business Review

In the foreseeable future, technology will cease to be a bottleneck for lights-out transformations, which dramatically reduce the need for human workers inside factories. As technology improves, the decision to pursue this goal will primarily depend on the factory’s economic considerations. Manufacturers that embrace automation and demonstrate agility in overhauling their operational strategies will be best positioned to capitalize on this wave.

Agility 26
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Are you a recent graduate? Try these four things to get yourself workplace ready

Chartered Management Institute

Listicle: Are you a recent graduate? Try these four things to get yourself workplace ready Written by Evie Worsnop Share Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to LinkedIn Share via email Two Chartered Managers give their career advice to new entrants to the workforce (top tip: resilience, adaptability and integrity really matter) As September looms, so too does the time for embarking on new paths.

Tips 52
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When Resentment Is Building on Your Team

Harvard Business Review

Is resentment simmering on your team? Sometimes resentment looks like lashing out; other times it manifests as silence or withdrawal. In this article, the author shares advice from two experts on what to do if you’re worried about resentment building on your team: 1) Don’t assume the issue will resolve on its own. 2) Stay close to your team. 3) If you see something, say something. 4) Embrace tough feedback. 5) Advocate for your team. 6) Shake things up. 7) Focus on common goals.

Team 25
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3 Steps to Successful & Strategic Year-End HR Planning

Year-end can be a hectic time for HR professionals, but with proper planning and organization, you can navigate it smoothly. Learn the main watch outs for year-end HR prep with Paycor’s helpful checklist covering employee data, wage and tax information, and special situations. Ensure compliance and efficiency by downloading today!

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Happiness at work – why it matters and how managers play a vital role

Chartered Management Institute

Advice: Happiness at work – why it matters and how managers play a vital role Written by Mark Price CMgr CCMI CVO Share Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to LinkedIn Share via email Mark Price CMgr CCMI CVO, founder of WorkL, former CMI president, managing director of Waitrose and deputy chair of the John Lewis Partnership, shares his top six tips for building a happy workforce Any organisation that is serious about driving productivity and improving performance cannot underestimate the i

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Stakeholder Capitalism Still Makes Business Sense

Harvard Business Review

Five years after the Business Roundtable’s call for companies to pursue more than just profit, enthusiasm has dwindled. Here’s why they should recommit.

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Highlights – 21 August

Chartered Management Institute

Article: Highlights – 21 August Wednesday 21 August 2024 Share Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to LinkedIn Share via email Electing to hone our skills – in health, happiness and harmonious leadership 21 August View all 2023 CMI Highlights When CMI says we’re helping managers become more confident leaders, we really mean all managers – even those who may not immediately appear to qualify.

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Leadership Lessons from a NASA Tragedy

Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson offers a window into NASA’s organizational challenges.

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ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach

Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

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Mastercard Layoffs—3% of the Workforce Will Leave by Sept 30

HR Digest

Mastercard is the latest to turn to layoffs as it kickstarts its reorganization efforts to recenter its sights on its core business. The latest reports suggest that Mastercard will cut 3% of its workforce, and affected employees will be informed by September 30. News of Mastercard’s workforce reduction plans comes after the company unveiled its Q2 results.

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How to Incorporate Influencers into Your Marketing Strategy

Harvard Business Review

If you’re developing influencer marketing strategies, this episode is for you.

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Choosing a Decision-Making Style


Learn the four decision-making styles and the factors that influence which style will be best for your situation. When you make decisions, there are four decision-making styles that you can use. There’s an autocratic style, a participatory one, a democratic style, and a consensus-based decision-making style. Your choice of which of those four styles to use is driven by two factors.