Tue.Jun 25, 2024

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The 4 Trajectories – Seizing the Intentional Future

Leadership Freak

I learned a powerful model I'm sharing today. Learn to notice the trajectory of conversations. More important, learn to open a door toward the intentional future. Words are rudders. Skillful leaders understand the trajectory of conversations.

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What Are People Management Skills? 6 Skills Every Leader Needs

Lead from Within

People management skills are essential for any leader who aims to bring out the best in their team. A LinkedIn survey revealed that 92% of hiring professionals believe soft skills, including people management, are equally or more important than technical skills. This finding highlights the critical role these skills play in leadership success. As an executive leadership coach, I’ve seen the transformative impact of effective people management on team dynamics and productivity.

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7 Strategies for Attracting the Top Talent in a Competitive Job Market

Strategy Driven

Hiring the best talent is a tough job, and it’s getting harder. According to recent surveys, 69% of companies struggle to find qualified candidates. The job market is crowded, and the competition is fierce. You need to stand out and showcase why your company is the best place to work. And all this can be done with the help of the right strategies.

Marketing 101
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Offering Value Is Actually Bad for Your Consulting Business! Here’s Why

David A Fields

Common wisdom says your consulting firm should offer value in order to attract clients. What if that common wisdom is not only wrong, but backwards? You’ve probably encountered advice that consultants should only reach out to prospects when they have a compelling, useful tidbit to offer. For example, an article or white paper, your new … Continued The post Offering Value Is Actually Bad for Your Consulting Business!

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How HR Can Create a Culture of Feedback

Employees want meaningful feedback. Without it, 98% disengage from their work (Zippia). But do your managers know how to support them? Use this Quick Start Guide to get the conversation started. Your workers don’t just want jobs; they want careers. Invest in your team by giving them meaningful feedback. 65% of employees want more feedback (Zippia). Workers who get daily feedback are 3x more engaged (Clear Company).

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How Important Is Content When It Comes to Showcasing Your Business?

Strategy Driven

Content is the cornerstone of any successful business strategy. It’s the primary means through which businesses communicate with their audience, establish their brand identity, and drive engagement. From website copy to social media posts, content is the bridge that connects a business to its potential customers, making it an important element in showcasing your business.

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How Leaders Handle the Smallest Threats

Skip Prichard

It’s the Small Stuff In leadership, the focus often gravitates towards grand visions and sweeping changes. The big stuff. But my experience is that it’s usually the small, seemingly insignificant threats that can derail organizations. We think that lions and sharks are scary, and we dismiss the tiny mosquito. But the mosquito is far riskier to humans.

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Female Mentors Help Boost Female Entrepreneurship

The Horizons Tracker

In many developing countries, there are lots of people starting their own businesses. More than half of all workers in these growing markets, both men and women, run small businesses. Sadly, many of these entrepreneurs struggle to make a decent living. And for women, it’s even harder because of a gap between men and women that keeps getting in the way of success.

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Role of Custom Merchandise in Corporate Marketing Strategies in NZ

Strategy Driven

Custom merchandise has become vital in corporate marketing strategies, particularly in New Zealand. Companies increasingly utilise custom promotional items to engage consumers, build brand recognition, and create a lasting impression. This article looks into the significance of custom merchandise in corporate marketing, analysing its impact on consumer engagement, the best merchandise types, and how businesses can effectively incorporate these items into their marketing campaigns.

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Does Our Face Dictate The Class People Perceive Us As?

The Horizons Tracker

Social class is a big deal, affecting what advantages or disadvantages people get in society. Studies show that people quickly judge others based on their social class, and this can lead to important consequences. But what exactly causes these judgments and how they connect to stereotypes—whether harmful or beneficial—has been a mystery. A new study from the University of Glasgow used a method based on how people perceive things, along with data, to figure out the specific facial features that i

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In The Shadow Of A Legend

CEO Insider

Moving into a new leadership role always comes with challenges, but the challenge can become even greater when the person the new leader is succeeding was highly regarded by everyone in the organization. With the right approach, though, the succession can be highly successful. Here are eight suggestions to help executives make a smoother transition […] The post In The Shadow Of A Legend appeared first on CEOWORLD magazine.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Making Job Ads Attractive Without Divulging Trade Secrets

The Horizons Tracker

Job listings are often the front window of any recruitment effort. For high-tech firms, they can present something of a dilemma, however, as they want to provide enough information to make the role seem enticing, while also keeping the secret sauce behind their innovations away from prying eyes. Research from George Mason University that for firms in highly competitive sectors, they’re likely to divulge that bit more in order to ensure they can attract the most qualified workers, even if t

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From Accidental Manager to Competent Leader

Chartered Management Institute

Videos and Webinars: From Accidental Manager to Competent Leader Tuesday 25 June 2024 Share Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to LinkedIn Share via email In October 2023, the ‘Better Management Report’, published by CMI and YouGov, highlighted that 82% of individuals that are managing teams in the UK, have no formal training in how to lead teams, prior to taking up their post.

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Summarizing EEOC’s Harassment Prevention Guide For Constructors

HR Digest

On June 18, the EEOC released a harassment prevention guide for the construction industry to follow, bringing attention to the unrest rampant among workers in the field. The EEOC contractor guidelines titled Promising Practices for Preventing Harassment in the Construction Industry include recommendations to combat systemic harassment and the undesirable barriers that affect the underrepresented groups in the industry.

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How CMI helped award-winning student Daniils

Chartered Management Institute

Blog: How CMI helped award-winning student Daniils Written by Dave Waller Tuesday 25 June 2024 Share Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to LinkedIn Share via email Daniils Jakovlevs was recently named Business Student of the Year at Solent University Business School. Here, he reflects on the power of early-career recognition – and highlights the importance of taking stock, making big moves and going the extra mile Not everyone is destined to turn their early dreams into a career.

Sharpe 52
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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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Decline in Shareholder Support for SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son to 79%

CEO Insider

Shareholder support for the reappointment of SoftBank Group Chief Executive Masayoshi Son has dropped significantly, from 95.93% last year to 79.22%, according to a stock market filing on Tuesday. This decline follows a recommendation from proxy advisor Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) against Son’s reappointment. ISS Recommendation and Reasons ISS opposed Son’s reappointment due to the […] The post Decline in Shareholder Support for SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son to 79% ap

CEO 52
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Human-Centered Leadership: Your Edge in a World of AI

The Center For Leadership Studies

The post Human-Centered Leadership: Your Edge in a World of AI appeared first on Situational Leadership® Management and Leadership Training.

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Choosing Between a Structured or Conversational Interview

Harvard Business Review

It’s critical to avoid the financial burden of making a wrong hire. Two approaches to conducting interviews — structured and conversational — can yield different insights about a candidate. While structured interviews make it easier to compare candidate responses and help ensure each interviewer covers distinct areas without redundancy, they may fall short in uncovering the candidate’s communication style and adaptability to change in a real-world setting.

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The Top 20 Reasons People Quarrel

Frank Sonnenberg Online

Having an argument isn’t exactly anyone’s idea of a good time. And yet, they seem to be a common occurrence, both at home and at work. By pinpointing the main triggers of disagreement, you might be able to steer clear of conflicts altogether. According to an unscientific poll, most people quarrel for the same reasons. Raised voices are rarely heard. 20 Root Causes of Conflict From communication breakdowns to divergent values, 20 root causes of conflict fuel the flames of discord.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Reinventing the Core Value Statement

Harvard Business Review

Companies are moving beyond traditional core value statements to embrace more resonant and distinctive expressions of their ethos. This shift reflects a desire for authenticity and alignment with strategic objectives, as seen in the adoption of alternative formats like credos, manifestos, and principles that resonate with specific stakeholder groups.

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Constant Change Is Rewriting the Psychological Contract with Employees

Harvard Business Review

In the face of rising dissatisfaction, leaders need to revisit their unwritten agreements with workers — and agree on a sustainable path forward.

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When Your Employee Is Underperforming

Harvard Business Review

A conversation with coach Jenny Fernandez on delivering negative feedback.