Tue.Aug 16, 2011

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Hacking the Creative Process

Leading Blog

While creativity is associated with artists, creativity is really part of life. It is how we shape our work into something meaningful. Benjamin Franklin put it this way: “To cease to think creatively is but little different from ceasing to live.” You might not think of yourself as being creative, but if you are expected to solve problems, strategize and come up with new ideas, then you are required to be creative.

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The August 2011 Leadership Development RoundTable Challenge: A Coaching Dilemma

Persuasive Powerhouse

Welcome to the August Round Table! How it works: each month, a core member of The Roundtable will introduce a leadership challenge and solicit a 200 word maximum answer from the other core members plus one special guest. Readers can then contribute their own answers and/or vote for their favorite below. Voting results will be published here next week.


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Crisis Management Essentials

Tanveer Naseer

The following is a guest post by Daniel Diermeier. Daniel is the IBM Professor of Regulation and Competitive Practices at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the director of the Ford Motor Company Center for Global Citizenship. Daniel’s work has been featured in numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Business Week, and Newsweek.

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Be a Leader in Two Seconds

Leadership Freak

The more you’re respected the less you need to say and the more power you have. You can earn respect while you’re speaking if you speak with compassion, integrity, and competence. People feel compassion when your words align with their needs. People see integrity when they believe you’re speaking for the good of others. People [.].

Power 203
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How to Increase Diversity in Your Workforce Through AI Technology

Diversity and inclusion are crucial for building a strong and innovative workforce. Discover how AI technology can revolutionize your hiring process and drive diversity in your organization. Explore over 10 ways AI recruiting tools can help you identify a wider pool of candidates, enhance communication strategies, and eliminate unconscious bias. Embrace the future of recruitment and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace with AI technology.

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The Lost Art of Killing Time

Next Level Blog

This past weekend, I had the great opportunity to spend a couple of days with the crew of the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Venturous on patrol in the Florida Straits. I’m organizing my thoughts, pictures. Please click the headline to read the whole story.

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Systems Drive Behaviors

Mike Cardus

“Mike, we need this team to talk more.”. “Are they not talking now?”. “In our meetings people are talking but I feel like just saying what I want to hear.”. “Are they saying what you want to hear?”. “Yes and No…then after the meeting is done all I see and hear is people fighting over who does what and the who is accountable for the work. I have 4 of the executive team come to me and they are unsure what they are supposed to be doing, and it seems that the deadlines that we establish and agree to

System 119

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Radio Show: Lessons Learned From A Change Derailed

Change Starts Here

An experienced change leader, Supriya Desai landed an exciting new ‘dream’ job – implementing change across a global function undergoing major transformation – only to be gone less than 6 months later. Listen to hear her story – plus the warning signs and lessons she learned so you can benefit from her experience. Listen to the show here (30 minutes): Be sure to visit the radio show page to listen to past episodes and subscribe to the show.

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Before there was Google, there was 3M. Before there was Zappos, there was Nordstrom. Before there was TOMS, there was Hershey. Innovation. Customer Service. Social Business practices. These ideas are not new. The champions are not the authors. There isn’t much unique about the “unique” practices they demonstrate. The research that validates these practices as solid operations isn’t new and unique either.

Ethics 94
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Reinventing the Wheel: A book review by Bob Morris

First Friday Book Synopsis

Reinventing the Wheel: The Science of Creating Lifetime Customers Chris Zane Ben Bella Books (2011) How to establish and then sustain long-term (if not lifetime) customer relationships What we have in this book is a personal account by the founder and CEO of Zane’s Cycles. It began when Chris Zane was 12 and repairing bikes [.].

Books 85
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My friend Paul Batz wrote this blog post about a dear friend of ours and all of it is true. Lynn Casey , CEO of Padilla Speer Beardsley is cringing as she reads this. She’s my all time favorite boss, and she HATES the word “boss.” She’s been in the news a lot lately, and she hates the spotlight almost as much as she hates the B-word ( to read more ).

CEO 88
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Rediscovering Steinbeck at the Mayeux Family Reunion

First Friday Book Synopsis

I just got back from our now annual family reunion in Natchitoches, Louisiana. We talked, and ate, and talked, and ate… You know the routine. I ate gator, and shrimp, and brisket, and home-made ice cream (Yes, I went back for seconds thirds fourths. I ate at least one full week’s worth of calories in [.].

Blog 80
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Give your bonus to your team to boost morale

Chartered Management Institute

Since the banking industry imploded atop a mountain of dodgy debt the issue of how pay motivates people has been increasingly popular. & Dan Pink famously added his thoughts on the matter in a talk, which was subsequently animated by the RSA.

Morale 92
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'Before there was Google, there was 3M. Before there was Zappos, there was Nordstrom. Before there was TOMS, there was Hershey. Innovation. Customer Service. Social Business practices. These ideas are not new. The champions are not the authors. There isn’t much unique about the “unique” practices they demonstrate. The research that validates these practices as solid operations isn’t new and unique either.

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Leave Before You Have To…

Ron Edmondson

Here’s some advice I’ve learned watching people over the years… Some people stay too long… I suggest you leave before you have to… When you are tired of the vision… Can’t support the leadership… Have no heart left to give the organization… Consistently struggle to stay motivated… And… You feel God is freeing you to move elsewhere… Leave before you have to… Don’t be forced out because you’re too stubborn, sc

Loyalty 81
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Interview Scorecard Free Downloadable Template

Making effective hiring decisions can be challenging, but with a standardized evaluation process, you can improve your chances of finding the ideal candidate every time. Discover the benefits of using interview scorecards to assess and compare candidates, ensuring fair and consistent evaluations. Our free interview scorecard template allows you to customize criteria and track candidate progress, helping you make informed hiring decisions.

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Management According To Thomas Teal

Eric Jacobson

Some words of wisdom from author Thomas Teal : Integrity in management means: being responsible. communicating clearly. keeping promises. being an honest broker. avoiding hidden agendas. knowing oneself. Great managers serve two masters; one organizational, one moral. Managing is not a series of mechanical tasks but a set of human interactions. One reason for the scarcity of managerial greatness is that in educating and training managers, we focus too much on technical proficiency and too little

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Working on holiday? Would the worliday work for you?

Chartered Management Institute

Since the arrival of smart phones and other technologies the line between work and play have become a little fuzzy, the general feeling is that the work-life blance is becoming more work than life but Lucy Kellaway of the Financial Times thinks a 'Worliday' is the answer.

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Human Performance Management Best Practice 3 – Qualify, Verify, and Validate

Strategy Driven

Human error reduction not only applies to the performance of operational activities but to analytical tasks as well. Errors made during performance of these tasks frequently go unnoticed at the time of occurrence, only to become consequentially evident when action is taken based on the errant analysis. These latent errors can have an equally devastating financial, environmental, asset and human impact as operational performance errors; simply occurring with greater time separation between the er

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45% of employees are in career limbo

Chartered Management Institute

A new survey of 2,000 employees by CMI has found that almost half (42%) of those questioned feel they are further behind in their careers than they would like to be at this stage of their lives.

Career 60
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Groupon Doomed by Too Much of a Good Thing

Harvard Business Review

"Alright, you caught us. We're actually not making any money. In fact, we are really losing a lot of money.". This is the essence of Groupon's declaration last week that it will remove the controversial accounting metric called Adjusted Consolidated Segment Operating Income (ACSOI) from its financial statements. ACSOI essentially measures Groupon's profits before subtracting its subscriber-acquisition costs and stock option-based compensation.

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Don't knock the placebo effect

Chartered Management Institute

The power of expectation is crucial to management. Whether you believe something will succeed or fail, you are probably right, says columnist Simon Caulkin.

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The Problem with Perfection

Harvard Business Review

If you're not familiar with the law of diminishing returns , it states that at a certain point adding more effort will not produce significantly more gains. The challenge is knowing when you've reached that point. For many managers this is an important question: How far do I keep going on a project before I declare that it's "good enough" — and that further effort will not significantly change the outcome?

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Charlie's Uncle Gives Him "The Talk"

Building Personal Strength

My friend Charlie told me this story. When he was 12, his uncle took him out for breakfast and they talked all morning. His uncle wasn’t at all like his dad, who was stern, demanding and hard to talk to. By contrast, his uncle was relaxed and fun to be with. In summary, the chat went something like this: Charlie, pretty soon you’re going to be a teenager.

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3 Steps to Successful & Strategic Year-End HR Planning

Year-end can be a hectic time for HR professionals, but with proper planning and organization, you can navigate it smoothly. Learn the main watch outs for year-end HR prep with Paycor’s helpful checklist covering employee data, wage and tax information, and special situations. Ensure compliance and efficiency by downloading today!

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Google Concedes that Technology Isn't Free

Harvard Business Review

"If you want to dance, you must pay the fiddler.". In the last six weeks, two patent transactions shook the world of mobile communications: Unlikely bedfellows Apple, Microsoft, Research in Motion, EMC, Ericsson, and Sony joined together in a creatively named consortium called Rockstar Bidco to win an auction for the patent portfolio of the bankrupt Nortel at a price of $4.5 billion.

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Three Questions that Help Me Live a Fulfilling Life

Harvard Business Review

I am on a plane with my wife Eleanor as we fly back from our once-a-year-without-children vacation. It was, for us, the perfect week. After years of planning vacations, we've finally figured out how to reliably create a meaningful, fun, fulfilling week. The solution was answering three questions: What is the vacation about? We wanted to be active, to eat and drink well, to be outdoors, and to spend undistracted time reconnecting.

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Google's Strategic Mistakes Drove Motorola Buy

Harvard Business Review

Google's $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola Mobility has set the technology and investing worlds aflutter , with much of the commentary positioning it as a play by Google for Motorola's strong IP portfolio. But a single point of focus is incorrect and misses a bigger point: The MMI purchase is the result of Google's miscalculations about the way value is captured in mobile computing.