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Where Both Parents Can "Have It All"

Harvard Business Review

Cross-cultural analysts like Geert Hofstede have said that the biggest difference between the Nordics and other countries are their highly 'feminine' vs 'masculine' values. The Nordic executive team (mostly men) I worked with this week were fascinated by the Hofstede research. Pragmatic indeed.

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How Nationality Affects What We Think Good Leaders Look Like

The Horizons Tracker

Dutch social scientist Geert Hofstede famously developed the Power Dimension Index, which compares a number of characteristics that allows us to compare different cultures. Hofstede argued that these cultural differences can explain around half of the differences observed in how we react to various situations as managers.

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Have Democracies Been Less Effective At Tackling COVID-19?

The Horizons Tracker

The researchers used Geert Hofstede’s invididualist-collectivist spectrum alongside data from the World Value Survey to gauge the response of countries to policy directives. Good examples are South Korean, Taiwan and New Zealand, which are flourishing democracies.” ” Cultural importance.

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